Airport Jobs is now available for one-on-one appointments! We can help you with resume assistance, SIDA preparation, online job application assistance and more. Please contact us at 206-787-7501 and leave a voicemail or email airport-jobs.mailbox@portseattle.org to reach staff. Ever wonder what a day-in-the life of an Aircraft Cleaner is like? What about a Baggage Claim Agent?
Check out all of our airport career videos by clicking the photo or going to our "Explore Airport Careers" page. Port Jobs is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services at Sea-Tac Int'l Airport. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities.
Check out all of our airport career videos by clicking the photo or going to our "Explore Airport Careers" page. Port Jobs is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services at Sea-Tac Int'l Airport. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities.
Port Jobs supports a vibrant and equitable port-related economy, connecting community members to jobs with key airport employers, training opportunities, and career advancement within the airport sectors.
Port Jobs works as an equity-focused partner with community members and employers to build diverse, equitable and inclusive aviation career pathways to living wage jobs.
We foster an environment where all jobseekers and workers are welcome and supported.
Port Jobs provides high quality career development resources and works with community-based organizations to address structural inequities that limit community members' efforts to prosper.
Port Jobs works as an equity-focused partner with community members and employers to build diverse, equitable and inclusive aviation career pathways to living wage jobs.
We foster an environment where all jobseekers and workers are welcome and supported.
Port Jobs provides high quality career development resources and works with community-based organizations to address structural inequities that limit community members' efforts to prosper.
Port Jobs incubates new program ideas, operates some programs in-house, and funds other programs operated by partner organizations.
Research that responds to and serves community needs as we explore new and emerging trends in areas such as logistics and international trade and apprenticeship.
Port Jobs is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services at Sea-Tac Int'l Airport.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities.
Research that responds to and serves community needs as we explore new and emerging trends in areas such as logistics and international trade and apprenticeship.
Port Jobs is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services at Sea-Tac Int'l Airport.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities.
Since 2000, Port Jobs is proud to have helped over 91,000 community residents find nearly 30,000 jobs.
Clients have made over 305,000 visits to Airport Jobs at SEA Airport for help with job placement, career navigation, badging assistance and community resources.
Port Jobs is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services at Sea-Tac Int'l Airport.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities.
Clients have made over 305,000 visits to Airport Jobs at SEA Airport for help with job placement, career navigation, badging assistance and community resources.
Port Jobs is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services at Sea-Tac Int'l Airport.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities.
Airport University transforms Sea-Tac Airport into a college.
Through a partnership with Highline College and South Seattle College, we offer credit-bearing courses onsite at the airport with class topics and times that fit airport worker and employer needs.
We don't just help students launch their career.
We give them the tools and support to GROW in their careers as well!
So as a business expands, staff can grow right alongside it.
Airport University helps job seekers overcome barriers to entry-level employment and provides incumbent workers with educational opportunities and skills trainings needed to move to better jobs, complete certifications or work towards their degree.
Through a partnership with Highline College and South Seattle College, we offer credit-bearing courses onsite at the airport with class topics and times that fit airport worker and employer needs.
We don't just help students launch their career.
We give them the tools and support to GROW in their careers as well!
So as a business expands, staff can grow right alongside it.
Airport University helps job seekers overcome barriers to entry-level employment and provides incumbent workers with educational opportunities and skills trainings needed to move to better jobs, complete certifications or work towards their degree.
The Alaska Airlines - Airport University Scholarship Program helps airport workers go to college and advance in airport careers!
It's time to start college or continue your education.
Next time you're standing in the security line at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, look up.
At the far end of the Mezzanine level you'll find Airport Jobs, an airport employment center run by the nonprofit Port Jobs.
Here, more than 100 in-airport employers post open positions, and more than 1,000 people a year find jobs with airport companies.
It's time to start college or continue your education.
Next time you're standing in the security line at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, look up.
At the far end of the Mezzanine level you'll find Airport Jobs, an airport employment center run by the nonprofit Port Jobs.
Here, more than 100 in-airport employers post open positions, and more than 1,000 people a year find jobs with airport companies.
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